Karim, a pianist dreaming of a career in Europe, lives in a war-torn Middle-Eastern town where modern ways of living have been banned by an extremist group. He is forced to sell Karim, a pianist dreaming of a career in Europe, lives in a war-torn Middle-Eastern town where modern ways of living have been banned by an extremist group. He is forced to sell his piano to gather money and leave. But things entangle when his piano is shot. Karim then embarks on a dangerous quest to repair his broken keys.详情
卢克·大卫·布鲁姆,凯特琳·菲茨杰拉德,保罗·斯帕克斯,贝茨·怀尔德,伊桑·斯莱特,Griffin Wallace Henkel,Mason Cufari,Matthew Sean Blumm,Robert Loftus,Tyler Magnis,韦恩·派尔,Elijah George,Bea Soong,Laurent Rejto,Mackenzie S. Stevens,Nancy Marie Nicosia